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Calendar & Events

Term Dates

Netherfield Pre-School Term Dates
2024- 2025

September 2024 to July 2025


Term 1- Autumn

Monday 2nd September to Friday 25th October

Autumn Holiday Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November

Inset Day 2nd September 2024

Inset Day 3rd September 2024

Inset Day 25th October 2024

Term 2- Autumn

Monday 4th November to Friday 20th December

Christmas Holiday Monday 23rd December to Monday 6th January

Term 3- Spring

Monday 6th January to Friday 14th February

February Holiday Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February

Term 4- Spring

Monday 24th February to Friday 4th April

Spring Holiday Monday 7th April to Monday 21st April

Term 5- Summer

Tuesday 22nd April to Friday 23rd May

May Bank Holiday Monday 5th May- Pre-School Closed

May Holiday Monday 26th May to Friday 30th May


Term 6- Summer

Monday 2nd June to Tuesday 22nd July

Inset Day Monday 21st July 2025

Inset Day Tuesday 22nd July 2025


INSET Days & Bank Holidays

2nd September 2024

3rd September 2024

25th October 2024

5th May 2025

21st July 2025

22nd July 2025


Pre-school will be closed to children on the above dates.

Other INSET days will be set during this academic year.

Kind Donations

Tesco Store Bexhill

Thank you to everyone at Tesco store Bexhill for your kind donation of a hamper for our Raffle.

British Gypsum

We would like to thank British Gypsum for their generous donation towards the refurbishment of our Pre-School.

Thank you to the lovely man from Wickes, pictured below, who kindly donated shelving for our Pre-School.  Lisa received a warm, friendly and very helpful response from him when she went to inquire if Wickes could support us in our refurbishment.


British Gypsum

We would like to thank British Gypsum for their generous donation of chocolates and candles for our raffle.

Seaport Engineering
A very big thank you to Steve Gornall and one of his team, Nathan.  Steve donated the services of Nathan in the half term holiday to decorate all of our rooms for us.  Our lovely little pre-school was starting to look tired and worn (the walls, not the staff, who are always bright, breezy and cheerful).  Steve kindly came to the rescue and enabled us to storm through the whole building in one go.  Many thanks again Steve.
Playfoot Engineering
Another big thank you to Jonathan Playfoot who provided paint and materials for the re-decoration of our pre-school.  He also supplied much needed extra man power to get the job done in time.  Thank you Jonathan.
Tesco Store Bexhill

Thank you to everyone at Tesco store Bexhill for your kind donation of Easter eggs and activities for our Raffle.

Bytes, Bolts and Leaves
Thank you to Dale Wheeler who had a break from mending computers and bicycles to help out painting, sanding, cleaning and putting up shelves.
Battle Muffin
A big thank you to The Battle Muffin Club who donated money for the developement of our outside area.
B&M Store Bexhill

Thank you to everyone at B&M Store Bexhill for the donation of various goods for our pre-school activities.

Thank you to Littlewood for your kind donation of fencing panels
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